How Human Factors and Psychology improve GCRA

Fair and Just Culture, Finance, Human Factors in Banking, Performance

Human factors and cognitive psychology offer a solution to APRA’s recent risk culture survey insights. Background Between October and December 2021, APRA rolled-out 31 survey questions to 18 of Australia’s major authorised deposit-taking institutions on their organisation’s risk management practices. The high response rate (up to 59%) suggests that governance, risk culture, remuneration and accountability (GCRA) is a … Read More

How Psychological Flexibility Increases Safety and Performance in High-Reliability Industries

Fair and Just Culture, Finance, Healthcare Human Factors, Motorsports, Performance, Psychological Flexibility, Transport

  What do financial traders, surgeons, miners, bankers, pit crew, pilots, and air traffic controllers all have in common? Their decisions often have life-impacting implications for themselves and others. Their roles are complex, high-risk, and require rapid decision-making under extreme pressure. To avoid catastrophe, they must manage the unexpected as efficiently, effectively, and safely as … Read More

The Human Factors of Banking and Finance


THE HUMAN FACTORS OF BANKING & FINANCE The common thread in most studies dealing with financial decision-making deals with mathematical models of financial prediction. In a similar model, traditional approaches to risk management focus on absorbing or “controlling” risk to make profit (Unser, 2000). In the banking and finance industry, reducing error is often attempted … Read More