Rail Human Factors

The Rundown:

Cortexia developed an industry benchmark Human Factors Procedure for Yarra Trams, along with support for the design of the Safety & Engineering Assurance Procedure. Yarra Trams is a well known Safety advocate in the Australian Rail and Transportation industries. Their SMS was requiring an update in terms of Human Factors and Safety.
Cortexia’s consultants designed the procedures for all business and operational functions including project delivery, acquisition, engineering, risk management, training, investigations and safety culture.

The Result:

With both a world-class Human Factors and Safety Assurance Procedure, Yarra Trams not only exceed their regulatory requirements but provide an industry benchmark for Safety Management Systems.

Cortexia’s SMS artefacts  improve safety performance, deliver on ROI and enhance operational service.

See how Cortexia can help your organisation in the Transport Industry here.